
Wednesday, November 6, 2019

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Friday, January 4, 2019

Get Out of Your Rut and Spread Your Wings This New Year!

Your Network is Your Net Worth: - The bottom line is that making sure your business is rich not only with financial capital, but also with social capital, is the secret to growing a sustainable business. Your ability to build a network of authentic relationships, while staying true to your passions and values, will be the most important asset in your portfolio. Your network truly is your net worth. 

New Year is about new heights and new achievements, new experience and new acquaintances. Wishing you a successful year, celebrating great results and important achievements. 

Every January, people set vague goals such as, “make more money,” or “get a new job.” But it’s important to set an intention for how you’d like to feel first. Perhaps this year you want to feel more relaxed about money, or you want to wake up happy to go to work! 

Use the positive feelings that you want to have to guide you to set specific goals. 

If you’re ready to improve your circumstances and align your beliefs with your career, don’t just get any job. By joining Prosperity Central, you’ll work toward financial abundance as your own boss while creating multiple stream of income. And that will make you feel more free and proud every day! 

Get Out of Your Rut and Spread Your Wings! “Take These Steps to Grow Your Career in the New Year,” 

offers tips to get out of your rut, ranging from building your network to taking the leap into a new and more fulfilling career. Because we’re meant to fly, not spend our lives treading water! 

Don’t go another year wishing your life was better… make it better! Earn money with us as we bring the world’s prosperity into the 21st century! 

As a professional or business owner, I believe that you can’t over-invest in your social media presence. This also applies to anyone looking to further their career or success, particularly those working in sales or marketing. Concentrating on growing audiences and engagement on social media can absolutely boost sales and conversion rates. It will also lead toward amazing opportunities for collaboration. 

Network building can grow your business, and leverage those best practices to create impactful relationships with others in your industry. Surrounding yourself with passionate people is key to happiness and success, and developing partnerships with other agencies and technology partners allows for a more predictable and scalable future. Click Here Start Building Your Own Prosperity Central Builder Income Funnels! 

We all want to expand our knowledge, learn something new, prove our worth and move up the ladder. 

How do you get started? 

Knowing the right company that fits your culture, passion, and industry is the first step. But once you find the right company, how do you work your way up? 

Here are tips on how to cultivate your career. Take these steps to grow your business and career in the new year! 

Relationships are an essential part of your personal and professional life. Whether it’s with your current or former employer, building a solid foundation of professional connections is critical. Clients, peers, and subordinates, in addition to your management team, can all validate the quality of your work. Thoughtfully build your network and continue to learn from every level. 

Make social media work for you. If you haven’t already, create your social media profile, and add your skills and contributions to beef up your profile. Endorse your colleagues and request their endorsement. A nod from your peers, or a positive review from a previous client, speaks volumes on LinkedIn. 

Be proactive. Setting goals for your professional career are critical. Start small and add new goals each year. 

Come up with a really BIG goal for 2019. 

Something exciting. Something that challenges you. Something that will make you jump out of bed quickly in the morning to WORK ON everyday. 
Now, make sure you write it down. Write it somewhere visible. A place where you see it clearly everyday so that it is constantly on your mind and fills your thoughts. Now you have a plan. 

Break it down into into 12 chunks of monthly action steps. 

What SPECIFIC activities and tasks do you need to do on a monthly basis to achieve this goal. You must be that specific. 
Break down your monthly activities needed to achieve this goal into smaller chunks. 
What must you do weekly? 
What must you do daily to accomplish the monthly activities in order to reach the BIG goal? 
What new skill must you learn? 
What new habits must you develop? 
What must you change about yourself? You need to be specific and clear. 

Keep a record. Measure your success. Track your progress daily, weekly and monthly. 

Look for opportunities to try something new and step outside your comfort zone. Are there any classes or trainings available at your company? Does the company offer tuition reimbursements for a class you’re interested in taking? 

If you don’t know, ask! 

When you have a passion for growing your business and career, take a shot on a “stretch assignment.” Whether it’s contributing to an additional project, or taking on a whole new role, this stretch assignment will add to your skill set, give you exposure to other people in your company, and allow you to gain insight into the expectations and daily work associated with a different position. 

A coach or mentor can be a person that’s in, or outside, of your organization. They should be a trusted advisor that can help guide you to the next stage of your career. Identify who that person is in your life and see if they’re interested in committing to your growth. You can have more than one. 

Keep in mind: It should be someone that can help you develop your personal and professional skills. Consider a person that is in a current role that you’d aspire to, or a person that can support your professional development, in preparation for the next step. Be receptive to feedback. Look at any constructive criticism as positive. Remember–your coach or mentor has your best interests at heart. Be open-minded when listening to their suggestions; this can have a lasting, positive effect on your relationship with them and help you identify talents in yourself that you may not have previously realized. 

Are you ready to grow? Sometimes you need to take the leap and find out. Before you do, make sure you can land on your feet. 
Have you excelled in your current role? 
Have you grown to your full potential?

If you answered yes, it’s time to move on to the next stage of your career. Before presenting your interest to your manager, prepare to reference any positive comments from others about your performance to solidify your next move. 
Include any past performance evaluations to add credibility. If you’ve truly mastered your current role, then moving into a larger or a new position will seem like an obvious next step. 
In speaking with your manager about your next move, ask what tools you’ll need to succeed. When looking at the big picture, plan effectively, build relationships, and execute a growth strategy with guidance from your manager and mentor to progress to the next stage in your career. 
By executing strategic goals, a new path to success will unfold. By implementing these steps, you can significantly impact your growth opportunity and challenge yourself to reach the next stage in a successful career. 

Evaluate your progress as you go along. Evaluate and make necessary adjustments. Don’t be hard on yourself when life happens. Life does happen and sometimes you lag behind. That’s why you need to track and evaluate. 

Make the necessary adjustments to get back on track. A journey of a thousand miles as the saying goes, starts with a step. 

Let me add that, the journey progresses with continuous steps on a daily basis in the right direction. After a while, you will be surprised at how far you have gone. Just keep keeping on, and this year will be the year you CRUSH IT! 

The old saying still stands true: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. 

How do you crush your goals in 2019? 

One rightly planned action step in the right direction one day at a time! 

Find your passion and connect with others that share your ambitions. 

By sharing with others, you’ll have an even greater network to leverage expertise and resources. 

Are you ready to join Prosperity Central Builder Income Funnels? 

We believe that with your renewed resolve you will certainly break new grounds. 

“Prosperity Central Builder eliminates all barriers to realizing my dream”. 

Aligning with like-minded peers also allows you to share tricks, tips, and even leads. If that’s not enough, leveraging the influence of other reputable businesses will boost your clout and can help position you as an expert. Create entire funnels that plug directly into the powerful Prosperity Central platform within minutes. 

“Prosperity Central Builder is by far the best funnel building platform on the market today.” 

“This is a real powerful tool that every entrepreneur can take advantage of in just simple automated steps.” Click Here To Start Building Your Own Prosperity Central Builder Income Funnels! 

May this New Year 2019 bring Great success, Good health, Joy, Peace, Prosperity and Love to you and your loved ones. with a Great Year ahead! 

From All of Us @ Prosperity Central! Happy Prosperous New year!

Build Your Own Prosperity Funnels! in 2019

Happy New 2019 Year - If you have a BIG DREAM for 2019 and beyond as Strategic Forward-thinking Professional. I’ve got a a Massive Action with Minimal Effort Possible through the Most Cutting Edge LEADS Generation, Presentation, Recruitment and Team Building you should take a quick look at to share OPPORTUNITIES and connect with other Like Minded Professionals. Click here Learn all POSSIBILITIES there might be to help each other professionally. My invitation gives you free credits you can use to boost your business and for the expansion of your professional network to begin with! 

Build Your Own Prosperity Funnels! Review by Olayinka Oyelami: If you're an entrepreneur looking for LEADS to SKYROCKET your SALES, Social media can be a great way for small business owners to connect with prospects and customers. Done right, it can make sales..